Surveyor Original Cornerstone Field Books

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Surveyor Original Cornerstone Field Books

page version = 3.0.02 , 10/03/2018 02:58:50 PM

The Surveyor's Original Cornerstone Field Books are from the original survey of Hendricks County in 1820. The Computer Center has scanned these books and made the images available on this internet site. The books are grouped according to the Township and Range.
The links go to a viewer that allows you to see the images for the selected area. There is a link that contains all the images in a PDF format file.

This page contains recent scans of the images (3/2016).

Map and Links for Surveyor Original Cornerstone Field Books
map T17N R2W All Images in PDF file (329mb)
T17N R1W
T17N R1E
T17N R2E
T16N R2W
T16N R1W
T16N R1E
T16N R2E
T15N R2W
T15N R1W
T15N R1E
T15N R2E
T14N R2W
T14N R1W
T14N R1E
T14N R2E