Index to Various Central Normal College Scans
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Central Normal College was an important private college in Danville Indiana. The college, opened in Danville in 1878, offered traditional courses, but was famous for training teachers.
In the 1940's the college was sold to the Episcopal Church and renamed Cantebury College. Cantebury College closed in 1951.
As part of a joint project with the Danville Library, Hendricks County Museum and the State of Indiana, the Hendricks County Government Computer Center is scanning all available documents
from the college and providing some of those scans on this web page.
Click this link to go to the Campus Crier Index
The first group of links here will open a viewer to allow you to go page by page through the book. The second group of links point to PDF files containing scans of the books.
The pdf files can be downloaded to your own computer if you desire, but be warned that some pdfs are very large.